Low Cellular Energy (Low Blood sugar)
Pancreas – Adrenal – Liver Coordination Paying Dues for Sugar Blues
Taken from article by Dr. Edward Bauman and Mary Claire Blakeman (additions and edits by Dianna Pardee, RN ND)
When these glands, which are important in handling stress, can no longer do their job, the cortex becomes worn out. At this point, low cellular energy affects the mind. Brain waves become abnormal, the person becomes more sensitive to noise, becomes depressed, and often is unable to relax or sleep. Insufficient cellular energy in the blood contributes greatly to neurotic behavior.
Other symptoms include nervousness, exhaustion, dizziness, and hunger. In extreme cases, convulsions and come may occur.
Low cellular energy may remain at an undetected yet mildly troublesome level for years, growing steadily worse, until it can no longer be ignored. Medical authorities disagree on the incidence, but some estimates put the number of sufferers at one in five Americans, with higher figures in children.
Dietary suggestions for low cellular energy included high, complete protein foods taken frequently in moderate portions; fresh, low-carbohydrate vegetables; whole grains; legumes; unsaturated fats (in seeds, nut, and cold-pressed oil); occasional fresh fruit; and a complete vitamin/mineral supplement program, strong in the b-complex group. When preparing a diet program, remember that hidden sugar is almost always present in commercial, canned, frozen, or restaurant food.
Commercial salt usually contains a sugar-like dextrose. When you read labels, know your sugar words; any word ending in –ose: fructose, dextrose, sucrose, lactose, maltose, glucose, corn sweetners, date sugar, sucanat, cane sweeteners, invest sugar, corn syrup, honey, sorghum, rice bran syrup, and molasses, ect.
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