Pancreas – Adrenal – Liver Coordination Paying Dues for Sugar Blues
Taken from article by Dr. Edward Bauman and Mary Claire Blakeman (additions and edits by Dianna Pardee, RN ND)
When a blast of glucose enters the bloodstream, the pancreas responds by secreting the hormone insulin to get the cells to absorb excess sugar. This action stimulates the liver to take the glucose from the blood, in order to return the insulin level to normal for that person. If there is a continual intake of refined carbohydrates, the pancreas becomes overactive, and then deplete. The adrenal glands which make the stabilizing hormones for the pancreatic function become depleted, too. A pattern is created in which the pancreas releseas to much insulin, leading the rapid energy drops throughout the day and/or night.
At such a time a person feels weak, shaky, or tired, and so s/he may reach for a candy bar, cup of coffee, or a sort drink, in hope of a quick pickup. (According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the average American consumes 158 pounds of sugar per year.)
Ingesting sugar in a low cellular energy state is like pouring gasoline on a dying fire. The result is a brilliant, but short-lived blaze, and subsequent exhaustion. The sufferer craves sugar, but the more s/he eats, the worse the symptoms become, and the further the system is thrown out of line. Not only are the pancreas and lover effected, but adrenal cortex glands.
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