Pancreas – Adrenal – Liver Coordination Paying Dues for Sugar Blues
Taken from article by Dr. Edward Bauman and Mary Claire Blakeman (additions and edits by Dianna Pardee, RN ND)

At such a time a person feels weak, shaky, or tired, and so s/he may reach for a candy bar, cup of coffee, or a sort drink, in hope of a quick pickup. (According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the average American consumes 158 pounds of sugar per year.)
Ingesting sugar in a low cellular energy state is like pouring gasoline on a dying fire. The result is a brilliant, but short-lived blaze, and subsequent exhaustion. The sufferer craves sugar, but the more s/he eats, the worse the symptoms become, and the further the system is thrown out of line. Not only are the pancreas and lover effected, but adrenal cortex glands.
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